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Monday, April 4, 2011

Concussions Proposal To NHL

Concussions and Hits to the Head in the National Hockey League

Executive Summary
The National Hockey League (“NHL”) values the safety of its players. Due to the dramatic increase in the number of head injuries and concussions suffered by NHL players, the league must take action to prevent the dangerous hits that cause these injuries. Currently, the league has rules prohibiting blind-side and lateral hits to the head and retains the right to fine and suspend players who violate this rule. However, league officials have been inconsistent in deciding the level of discipline levied on players for dangerous hits.
This report provides data that shows the dramatic rise in concussions in the NHL over the past 25 years. It analyzes the weaknesses and inefficiencies of the current policy, as well as the pros and cons of the policy instituted by the National Football League (“NFL”) in January of 2011.  Based on this analysis, the report recommends a new policy for supplemental discipline for hits to the head.
The policy includes:
·        Objective suspension scales
·        Loss of player salary
·        Team penalties
·        Video demonstrations

Monday, March 28, 2011

Familiar Territory

With a playoff berth all but locked up for the New York Rangers, we look forward toward potential playoff match-ups. Of course, we have mostly forgotten our bold proclamations that expectations would be met and thirsts quenched with nothing more than a playoff appearance. But as is human nature, greed follows accumulation of wealth and we all want more; some are even bold enough to run the phrase "We want the Cup!" through their minds for the briefest of moments.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Huff, Puff, Blow It Down

Ask any Rangers fan about the core of the team, present and future, and the answer will always begin the same way. “Callahan and Dubinsky.” Their names, always juxtaposed, are synonymous with change, hope and any other unachievable ideal promised by the POTUS. But political humor aside, these two players represent the direction this franchise has wanted to take ever since the out-of-control-spending method went out the window in 2005. The identity of this team – young, hardworking, tough, committed - is clearly reflected in the play of these two warriors. But as we once again realize that these attributes alone are not enough to bring success, we may begin to question if our foundation is made of the right stuff.